Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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DVD Review: War of the Worlds 2 “The Next Wave”

April 1st, 2008 bulin, dvd reviews, new release, science fiction & fantasy

So it looks like The Asylum has come full circle with this release. War of the Worlds was the first in a successful directional change that started the infamous Mockbuster titles that Asylum is known for. Now with the release of War of the Worlds 2, they revisit this first offering.

The Next Wave takes place shortly after the first movie. The world is in the slow process of rebuilding and everyone is pretty much in survivalist mode. George (C Thomas Howell) lives with his son and is still vigilantly monitoring the airwaves in case the martians return. Apparently his paranoia is not unfounded because the machines have returned with a vengeance.
war of the worlds 2

I have to start off by saying kudos to Asylum’s effects department. This is the best CGI I have seen from them and a better effort than many of the larger studios. The alien walkers look exactly like they are pictured on the cover and the movement is fluid and realistic. C. Thomas Howell also sits in the Director’s chair on this one and does a pretty good job. The acting varies in this one, from decent performances from C. Thomas and the boy who plays his son to mediocre such as Kim Little as Victoria, who just was not quite convincing to downright bad, which would be Christopher “kid” Reid (or Ried if you read the front cover, Oops!). I will save you the trouble of looking it up….He is Kid from Kid ‘ Play…never would have recognized him in a million years!

The story itself is pretty straightforward and borrows liberally from other sci-fi movies such as Independence Day. In true Asylum fashion though, they point this out in large font on the back cover of the DVD. Overall I thought this one was ok but the weak storyline really was a disappointment. Asylum did such a better job with the first War of the Worlds that I guess I expected a bit more. It would hold up against many of the movies that Sci-Fi channel presents but I’m afraid as far as a re-watch-ability factor, I would have to say it is low. If you are a big Science Fiction buff, rent it or switch for it on the site but I would have to recommend against buying this one without checking it out first.

War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave (2008)





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